New Formations
ISSN 0950-2378
New Formations has been a pioneer of interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences since the 1980s. The core intellectual remit of the journal is to publish original work which explores the uses of cultural theory for the analysis of political and social issues – be they historical or contemporary – and it publishes work from any discipline which meets this criterion, or which bears directly upon current debates within cultural theory, cultural studies, or the wider critical humanities or social sciences, and which meets our quality criteria (set out below).
It has a particularly strong reputation as a forum for the development and application of cultural theory, and its readership crosses literary studies, media studies, philosophy, visual culture, film studies, musicology, postcolonial studies, gender studies, history, cultural geography, politics, sociology and cultural studies.
New Formations routinely hosts articles by world-leading figures in these fields, as well as work by early-career researchers, as it has done since its inception. We are proud to combine an international profile and a reputation for experimentation and interdisciplinarity with a commitment to support the work of less established scholars wherever possible.
Jeremy Gilbert | University of East London
Deputy Editor
Rebecca Bramall | London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
Reviews Editor
Georgina Colby | University of Westminster
Editorial Board
Shahidha Bari | London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London
David Bennett | University of Melbourne
Timothy Bewes | Brown University
Peter Buse | University of Liverpool
Georgina Colby | University of Westminster
Ben Highmore | University of Sussex
Cora Kaplan | University of Southampton
Scott McCracken | Queen Mary, University of London
Gabriella Méndez Cota | Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México
Mandy Merck | Royal Holloway, University of London
Brett St Louis | Goldsmiths, University of London
Nicholas Thoburn | University of Manchester
Editorial Advisors
David Alderson | Ien Ang | Claudia Aradau | Angelika Bammer | Michèle Barrett | Clive Barnett | Andrew Barry | Vikki Bell | Tony Bennett | Jody Berland | Homi Bhabha | Clare Birchall | Anita Biressi | Lisa Blackman | Lucy Bland | Rachel Bowlby | Rosie Braidotti | Joe Brooker | Ian Buchanan | Carolyn Burdett | Eleanor Byrne | Victor Burgin | Eleanor Byrne | Lesley Caldwell | Kirsten Campbell | Hazel Carby | Ben Carrington | Erica Carter | Iain Chambers | Laura Chrisman | Phil Cohen | Claire Colebrook | Diana Coole | Joan Copjec | Nick Couldry | Tim Cresswell | David Cunningham | Tony Davies | Kay Dickinson| James Donald | Stephanie Donald | Alexander Dunst | Alan Finlayson | John Fletcher | Simon Firth | Alezander Gallas | Andrew Gamble | Keya Ganguly | Natalia Gerodetti | Andrew Gibson | Andrew Goffey | Gary Hall | Peter Hallward | Carrie Hamilton | Dick Hebdige | David Hesmondhalgh | Barnor Hesse | Helen Hester | Andrew Hurley | Jayne Ifekwunigwe | Leila Kamali | Sarah Kember | Tim Lawrence | Vicky Lebeau | Jo Littler | Judy Lochhead | Roger Luckhurst | Graeme Macdonald | Suhail Malik | John Marks | David Marriott | Martin McQuillan | Angela McRobbie | Peter Middleton | Drew Milne | Joe Moran | Simon Morgan Wortham | Jo Morra | Frank Mort | Stephen Morton | Mariam Motamedi-Fraser | Mica Nava | Keith Negus | William Outhwaite | Alasdair Pettinger | Sylvie Prasad | Nick Prior | Gillian Rose | Anamik Saha | Renata Salecl | Jani Scanduri | Bill Schwarz | Lynne Segal | Stephen Shapiro | Debra Benita Shaw | Lorenzo Simpson | Sujala Singh | Josie Slater | Judith Squires | Nick Srnicek | Barbara Marie Stafford | Gillian Swanson | Tiziana Terranova | Andrew Thacker | Fran Tonkiss | David Toop | Alberto Toscano | Neil Turnbull | Nira Yuval-Davis | Valerie Walkerdine | Cary Wolfe
'For increasingly rare and very welcome undisciplinary theorising about the contemporary predicament, reach for New Formations.' Ien Ang