New Formations Volume 1987 Issue 1

ISSN 0950-2378

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Remembering Fanon


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Fashion / orientalism / the body
Peter Wollen

Does sex have a history? 'Women' and feminism
Denise Riley

The impossible object. Towards a sociology of the sublime
Dick Hebdige

'Enough about you, let's talk about me'. Recent autobiographical writing
Laura Marcus

Should art historians know their place?
John Tagg

GLC R.I.P Cultural policies in London, 1981-1986
Franco Bianchini

'What does the black man want?'
Homi Bhabha

Fanonian spaces
Stephan Feuchtwang

Narratives of resistance
Barbara Harlow

Mark Cousins, Gregor McClellan, Bill Schwarz, Michael O'Pray Free to download

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