New Formations Volume 1999 Issue 37

ISSN 0950-2378

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Sexual Geographies


Introduction, pages ‑
Frank Mort, Lynda Nead Free to download

This most lawless space: the geography of the fleet and the making of Lord Hardwicke's marriage act of 1753, pages ‑
Miles Ogborn

From alleys to courts: obscenity and the mapping of mid-Victorian London, pages ‑
Lynda Nead

Fashion and the man: from suburb to city street. the spaces of masculine consumption 1870-1914, pages ‑
Christopher Breward

Wider horizons and modern desire: the contradictions of America and racial difference in London 1935-45, pages ‑
Mica Nava

Mapping sexual London: the Wolfenden committee on homosexual offences and prostitution 1954-57, pages ‑
Frank Mort

Funerary and sexual topographies: the death and commemoration of Diana Princess of Wales, pages ‑
Marcia Pointon

Reviews, pages ‑
Rita Felski, William Leap, Clare Hemmings, Mary Campbell, Stella Swain, Kate Nash Free to download

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