New Formations Volume 2005 Issue 57

ISSN 0950-2378

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The Spatial Imaginary


Editorial: The spatial imaginary
Richard Phillips, Scott McCracken Free to download

Terrorism and counter narratives: Don de Lillo and the New York imaginary
Peter Brooker

Practical Deleuzism and postmodern space
Ian Buchanan

After the fact: spatial narratives in the canadian imaginary
Jody Berland

The idea of a critical literary geography
Andrew Thacker

Disseminating Africa: burdens of representation and the African Writers series
Clive Barnett

Geographical immediations: locating The English Patient
Richard Cavell

The spatial poetics of James Joyce
Gerry Kearns

Study, marketplace and labyrinth: geometry as rhetoric
Jess Edwards

Mapping words
Miles Ogborn

Laura Marcus, David Cunningham, Janelle Blankenship, Peter Sjølyst-Jackson Free to download

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