Peace material: Giorgio Agamben and the Israeli Palestinian peace accords
New Formations - ISSN 0950-2378
Volume 2007 Number 62
Peace material: Giorgio Agamben and the Israeli Palestinian peace accords
Maisaa Youssef
This article examines Giorgio Agamben’s insights into the status of refugees and ‘bare life’, detailing the biopolitical structure of exception that captures it. Through this, Agamben identifies the relationship between the citizen (central to modern statist politic) and the material condition of being human, overwritten by citizenship. Youssef explores this relationship between materiality and citizenship, particularly in the context of the Palestinian pursuit of statehood and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the Peace Accords. This analysis of Palestinian statelessness in the light of Agambenian materiality illuminates the Peace Accords and suggests that the link between Palestinian refugees and their nationalist struggle is fractured.
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To cite this article
Maisaa Youssef (2007) Peace material: Giorgio Agamben and the Israeli Palestinian peace accords, New Formations, 2007(62)