Uncloaking humour: ironic-parodic sexism and smart media
New Formations - ISSN 0950-2378
Volume 2015 Number 86
Uncloaking humour: ironic-parodic sexism and smart media
Sarah Kember
DOI: 10.3898/NEWF.86.07.2015
This short paper offers a seemingly perverse position on humour, arguing the case for using humour against humour and pursuing imperfect strategies of parody and irony in the face of ironic and parodic forms of sexism. The argument is contingent, confined to the arena of smart media seen here as a new, and newly sexist theatre of the absurd. On the basis that it is undecidable with respect to politics, the paper outlines the potential for an antagonistic feminist political theory of humour.
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To cite this article
Sarah Kember (2015) Uncloaking humour: ironic-parodic sexism and smart media, New Formations, 2015(86). https://doi.org/10.3898/NEWF.86.07.2015