Socialist History - ISSN 0969-4331
Volume 2019 Number 55
The Italian, Al-Tanweer Press, Beirut 2014; 344pp; ISBN 9789938886481, $16.00, pbk.
Shukri Al-Mabkhout
Twenty-Nine Thousand Nights: A Communist Life by Nan Berger, Book Works, London 2017; 192 pp; ISBN 9781906012861, £15.00, pbk.
Ruth Ewan
A Spectre Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism, Belknap Press, Cambridge MA, 2018; 368 pp; ISBN 9780674047686, £23.95, hbk.
Paul Hanebrink
Georg Lukács’s Philosophy of Praxis: from Neo-Kantianism to Marxism, Bloomsbury Academic, London 2018; xvi and 248 pp; ISBN 9781474267410, £85.00, hbk.
Konstantinos Kavoulakos
Who are the English? Selected Poems: 1935-1981, Smokestack Books, Middlesbrough 2015; 139 pp; ISBN 9780992740931, £8.95, pbk.
Jack Lindsay
No Less than Mystic: a history of Lenin and the Russian Revolution for a 21st century left, Repeater Books, London 2017; 651 pp; ISBN 9781910924488, £9.99, pbk.
John Medhurst
Evan Smith, Matthew Worley (eds), The Far Left in Australia Since 1945, Routledge, London 2019; xiv + 286 pp; ISBN 9781138541580, £23.99, pbk.
Jon Piccini
The Women in the Room: Labour’s Forgotten History, I.B. Tauris, London 2018; 252 pp, 12 illustrations; ISBN 9781788312233, £20.00, hbk.
Nan Sloane
Marx and Russia. The Fate of a Doctrine, Bloomsbury, London 2019; 240 pp; ISBN 9781474224062, £19.79, pbk.
James D. White
To cite this article
(2019) Reviews, Socialist History, 2019(55)