Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2011 Issue 3

ISSN 1758-6437

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1968 and after - between crisis and opportunity


Introduction: 1968 and after – between crisis and opportunity
Richard Cross Free to download

‘Rejecting all adventurism’: The Italian Communist Party and the movements of 1972-9
Phil Edwards

‘1968’ and the formation of the feminist subject
Brigitte Studer

Still a ‘Spanish Red’? The communist past and national identity in the writing of Jorge Semprún
Stephen Hopkins

The Portuguese Communist Party and the labour movement in the beginning of the Carnation Revolution
Raquel Varela

The Socialist Unity Party of Germany’s bizarre relationship with the Greek Communist Party in the period 1968-1989
Andreas Stergiou

De Gaulle, Ceausescu and May 1968
Gavin Bowd

Moscow-Havana-Prague: recollections of a communist foreign correspondent
Sam Russell

The rise and decline of communism in South Asia: a review essay
Sobhanlal Gupta Free to download

Recent historiography of the People’s Republic of China, 1949-46
Stephen Smith

Book reviews
Free to download

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