
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2013 Number 5



Arnd Bauerkamper and Francesco Di Palma (eds), Bruderparteien jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs: Die Beziehungen der SED zu den kommunistischen Parteien West- und Sudeuropas (1968-1989)
Gareth Pritchard

Philip Bounds, British Communism and the Politics of Literature 1928-39 
David Margolies 

Pierre Brocheux, Ho Chi Minh: A Biography
Suchetana Chattopadhyay 

John Butler, The Red Dean of Canterbury: The Public and Private Faces of Hewlett Johnson
Dianne Kirby

Andy Croft (ed.), After the Party: Refl ections on life since the CPGB
Richard Cross

Ken Keable (ed.), London Recruits. The Secret War against Apartheid
Irina Filatova

Jose Gotovitch, Du communisme et des communistes en Belgique. Approches critiques
Aldo Agosti

Lucio Magri, The Tailor of Ulm: Communism in the Twentieth Century
Willie Thompson

Josie McLellan, Love in the Time of Communism: Intimacy and Sexuality in the GDR
Gareth Pritchard

Serge Wolikow, L’Internationale communiste (1919-1943). Le Komintern ou le reve dechu du parti mondial de la revolution
Kevin Morgan

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(2013) Reviews, Twentieth Century Communism, 2013(5)

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