Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2015 Number 9
Francis King, John Bulaitis
J. Arch Getty, Practicing Stalinism. Bolsheviks, Boyars and the Persistence of Tradition
Francis King
For over three decades. Arch Getty has been one of the foremost researchers on the mass repressions of the 1930s in the USSR. He has consistently questioned the traditional ‘totalitarian’ model of the terror, which sees the whole process as consciously directed and controlled from the top, by Stalin and his immediate entourage. Over the years, certain themes have emerged in Getty’s account of the repression. These include the importance of power struggles between central and local leaders, the persistence of clan and clientist relationships within the Communist Party and state apparatus, and the potential risks to the positions of central and local leaders posed by the reform of the Soviet electoral system after 1936.
Emmanuel Bellanger & real; Julian Mischi (eds), Les territoires du communisme: Élus locaux, politiques publiques et sociabilités militantes and Jean Vigreux, La faucille après le manteau: Le Communisme aux champs dans l’entre-deux-guerres
John Bulaitis
These studies explore two components of French communism’s success in rooting itself within society and politics: ‘municipal communism’ – the PCF’s powerbase on local authorities – and ‘rural communism’, its important points of support in the countryside.
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To cite this article
Francis King, John Bulaitis (2015) Reviews, Twentieth Century Communism, 2015(9)