Editorial: Communism's print culture
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2017 Number 12
Editorial: Communism's print culture
Ben Harker
Less than a decade ago, the perception that ‘the party’ was an outmoded structure irrelevant to radical left politics was wide-spread. The striking – if inevitably uneven and contradictory – emergence and progress of actually existing leftist parties in the conjuncture shaped by the 2008 crash has transformed the terms of reference. Theoretical discussion has returned to questions about socialist strategy, and in particular the challenge of re-imagining and reinvigorating the Marxist party in new times.3 Historical analysis of the structures and experiences inherited from the past have a key role to play in this process. The national communist parties with which this journal is centrally concerned continue to haunt the contemporary radical political imagination.
To cite this article
Ben Harker (2017) Editorial: Communism's print culture, Twentieth Century Communism, 2017(12)