Translation and ideology in post-war Italy: left-wing publishers and the Italian Communist Party
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2017 Number 12
Translation and ideology in post-war Italy: left-wing publishers and the Italian Communist Party
Mila Milani
In the transition towards democracy after the war, Italy moved towards an apparently more open dialogue with other European and non-European countries, which was reflected by a growing publishing interest in translations. This cultural exchange was not in any way neutral, but embedded in a specifically national political dimension as well as in the broader context of the Cold War. In the turmoil of post-war reconstruction, the influence of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) on intellectuals and cultural operators was particularly significant, although the party was never able to attain political power in the form of a government. The party also had to find its own identity both in relation to power dynamics on an international level, namely in terms of its proximity to the Soviet Union, and on a national level, with the need to develop a strong opposition to the Christian democrats in power and their allegiance with the United States.
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To cite this article
Mila Milani (2017) Translation and ideology in post-war Italy: left-wing publishers and the Italian Communist Party, Twentieth Century Communism, 2017(12)