‘The vicious circle’: communist cartooning, internationalism & print culture, 1917-25
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2017 Number 12
‘The vicious circle’: communist cartooning, internationalism & print culture, 1917-25
Samuel S Hyde
In September 1921, the President of the Communist International, Grigorii Zinoviev, wrote to its national sections on ‘The Character of our Newspapers’. The circular was a supplement to the ‘Theses on Organisation’ revised and adopted at the third world congress that July. They provided Moscow’s first practical guidance for a ‘new type of communist organ’ based on the Bolshevik daily, Pravda. ‘Newspapers play a great part in our agitation’, Zinoviev stated, but ‘up till now have been very unsatisfactory.’ ‘Our papers are too dry, too abstract’, he continued, containing ‘very little’ of interest to working men and women.
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To cite this article
Samuel S Hyde (2017) ‘The vicious circle’: communist cartooning, internationalism & print culture, 1917-25, Twentieth Century Communism, 2017(12)