Mao Zedong’s China and Africa

Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2018 Number 15

Mao Zedong’s China and Africa
Ian Taylor


From October 1949 until the end of the Korean War (1950-1953), the newly-founded People’s Republic of China (PRC) was preoccupied with a number of domestic and external problems which precluded it from actively engaging in Africa. A large amount of Beijing’s political energy was expended on effectively stabilising China’s borders with her neighbours and unifying the Chinese people under the Communist Party. During this period, Chinese foreign policy was greatly influenced by the Soviet Union’s support, as expressed in the Sino-Soviet Alliance of 1950, and China’s foreign policy outside of Asia was closely tied to that of Moscow’s.

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To cite this article
Ian Taylor (2018) Mao Zedong’s China and Africa, Twentieth Century Communism, 2018(15)

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