Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2020 Issue 18

ISSN 1758-6437

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Transnational Communism and Anti-Colonialism


Editorial: Transnational communism and anti-colonialism
Daniel Edmonds, Evan Smith, Oleksa Drachewych Free to download

Shapurji Saklatvala, the Workers’ Welfare League of India, and transnational anti-colonial labour organising in the inter-war period
Daniel Edmonds

Deporting black radicalism: Claudia Jones’ deportation and policing blackness in the cold war
Denise Lynn Free to download

'A last stubborn outpost of a past epoch': The Communist Party of Great Britain, national liberation in Zimbabwe and anti-imperialist solidarity
Evan Smith

The Irish Revolution, early Australian communists and Anglophone radical peripheries: Dublin, Glasgow, Sydney, 1920–23
Jimmy Yan Free to download

Great disappointment, shifting opportunities: a glimpse into the Comintern, Western European parties and their colonial work in the Third Period
Oleksa Drachewych

'Whether black or white – united in the fight!' Connecting the resistance against colonialism, racism, and fascism in the European metropoles, 1926-1936
Kasper Braskén Free to download

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