The formation and disintegration of Hong Kong Maoists in the ‘Fiery Era’ (1970-1981)
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2022 Number 22
The formation and disintegration of Hong Kong Maoists in the ‘Fiery Era’ (1970-1981)
In 1976, the end of the Cultural Revolution quickly resulted in disillusionment among Hong Kong’s Maoists, with organisational disin-tegration following soon after. However, most scholarship has overlooked the multiple factors resulting in the rise and fall of Maoist activism in Hong Kong. In order to investigate this conjuncture, this article centrally explores the early formation and internal structure of the Maoist commu-nity in Hong Kong, as well as the external factors of the political changes it experienced, such as the crucial moments of the 5 April Tiananmen protest, the fall of the Gang of Four, and the post-Cultural Revolution transformation, which is likely to have led to their final disintegration. Compared to other studies of global Maoism, the history of Maoism in Hong Kong remains largely unexplored. This article provides some details, describing Maoist internal life and giving an account of its ideo-logical disputes with opponents, such as Hong Kong’s Trotskyists, in order to further understanding of its unknown history.
To cite this article
YANG YANG, PIK-KA LAU, IP PO YEE (2022) The formation and disintegration of Hong Kong Maoists in the ‘Fiery Era’ (1970-1981), Twentieth Century Communism, 2022(22), 6-46