What did Swiss Maoism stand for? The loyalty of the KPS(ML) to Beijing in question
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2022 Number 22
What did Swiss Maoism stand for? The loyalty of the KPS(ML) to Beijing in question
CYRIL CORDOBA pages 47‑70
From 1964 to 1989, the KPS(ML) – the sole party officially recognised by Beijing in Switzerland – proved particularly loyal to the CCP guidelines. This article analyses how, in a deeply anti-commu-nist country, this party received support from China and developed its clandestine structure under the scrutiny of the Swiss intelligence service. It also reflects on the anti-imperialist commitment of the KPS(ML) and puts it into perspective with its total rejection of the independence of Tibet, which was a particularly sensitive topic in Switzerland. Finally, it examines how the Swiss Maoists applied the Three Worlds Theory to the Swiss context, by supporting the use of nuclear energy and compulsory military service in order to defend the country against the USSR. This shows that the party was more concerned with following the watchwords of the CCP than with its own consistency.
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To cite this article
CYRIL CORDOBA (2022) What did Swiss Maoism stand for? The loyalty of the KPS(ML) to Beijing in question, Twentieth Century Communism, 2022(22), 47-70