Submissions Guidelines
Contributions should be sent to: Anarchist-Studies@groups.lboro.ac.uk
For advice and information, particularly about submissions that do not follow standard academic conventions – which AS is happy to consider – please email anarchist-studies@groups.lboro.ac.uk. Articles for consideration should be sent as word doc attachments or non-proprietorial word-compatible attachments.
Information for Authors
Papers should be in English (UK), word processed and double-spaced throughout. Please number pages. Author information, including full postal addresses and any acknowledgements, should be provided on a separate document and should not appear in the paper. Please keep self-citations to a minimum and to ensure anonymity in peer review, do not make reference to previously published work in the text of the paper. Please also provide a 100-150 word summary/abstract and three or four keywords. The standard length of papers is approximately 8000 words, to a maximum of 10,000 words including all references, but shorter pieces are also encouraged.
Contributions from independent scholars and researchers working outside the academy are welcome.
To maintain standards of academic integrity, Anarchist Studies strongly encourages authors to consult the principles for responsible research publication set out in the International Standards for Authors and the UK Research Integrity Office protocols on research ethics https://ukrio.org/publications/researcher-checklist-of-ethics-applications/. We also encourage the adoption of Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s decolonising methodologies in research https://nycstandswithstandingrock.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/linda-tuhiwai-smith-decolonizing-methodologies-research-and-indigenous-peoples.pdf.
Research is published on the understanding that:
- Authorship is reported accurately: all participants in the research are appropriately credited and consent to publication.
- Editors have been notified of prior publication of the research, in part or in whole, in any medium (including conference proceedings, blogs, non-English language).
- All primary research has been conducted ethically; In all cases where research involves human or non-human animal participants, authors agree to provide copies of relevant ethics approvals or protocols on request.
- The source of all material is clearly acknowledged and referenced; all work referenced has been read or examined by the author(s).
- Findings are communicated fairly, without manipulation of sources.
- Relevant permissions to reproduce material (including images) from third parties have been obtained.
- All relevant interests (sponsorship, support from funding bodies, institutional affiliations and/or memberships) are clearly disclosed.
- Any errors or omissions in submitted, accepted, or published work are reported to the editors as soon as they are discovered.
- Authors agree to respond positively to reasonable requests for clarification or guidance from readers following publication.
Guidance on references
References can be presented either in-text or as endnotes, but please be consistent and avoid including text in endnotes.
In-text notes should take one of the following forms: (Bookchin 1989: 263) or (Clark, The Anarchist Moment, pp. 24-5).
A separate list of bibliographic references, ordered alphabetically should also be provided, formatted as indicated:
Bookchin, Murray 1989. ‘New social movements: the anarchic dimension’. In David Goodway, (ed.) For Anarchism pp. 259-74. London: Routledge.
Clark, John 1984. The Anarchist Moment. Montreal, Black Rose.
Ehrlich, Howard 1982. How to get from here to there: building a revolutionary transfer culture. Social Anarchism 2(2): 3-21
Please do not abbreviate journal titles. Where more than one work from the same author has been cited, please list single-authored work before edited work and then order by date of publication.
Endnotes should be numbered consecutively to appear at the end of the document, double-spaced throughout. Please use Arabic numerals. Notes should provide full publishing details as follows:
J. Cowley, The Victorian Encounter With Marx (London & New York, 1992), p. 135.
M. Bevir, ‘Ernest Belfort Bax: Marxist, Idealist, and Positivist’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 54 (1993), pp. 119-121.
For consecutive references to the same work, Ibid. is permitted. Please do not use op.cit. or any other Latin notation. Indicate the abbreviation of long titles on first reference: ‘subsequent reference to Victorian Encounter’.
A separate bibliography is not required.
The editors reserve the right to make alterations which do not involve any change of meaning. On publication, copyright is retained by the author(s). Contributors are asked to grant the publisher exclusive rights to publish for the first year of publication and to include reference to Anarchist Studies as the original place of publication on re-publication. Authors will receive one copy of the journal on publication of the article.
Guidance for Reviewers
If you are reviewing for Anarchist Studies for the first time, you can find information about the journal at https://journals.lwbooks.co.uk/anarchiststudies.
If you have any questions about the journal or the review process, you can contact us using the email anarchist-studies@groups.lboro.ac.uk.