Socialism and Strategy: A Libertarian Critique of Leninism

Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 22 Number 1

Socialism and Strategy: A Libertarian Critique of Leninism
Tony Zurbrugg


This essay criticises ‘Leninism’. It addresses seven points on social change and transformation: change as a broad social movement, and issues of gender, management, authority, the state, the party and the union. It draws on perspectives from various anarchist, syndicalist, feminist, and socialist traditions. It suggests that future socialist movements might well draw on inclusive participatory democratic forms, rather than looking towards reviving some form of a Leninist party.

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To cite this article
Tony Zurbrugg (2014) Socialism and Strategy: A Libertarian Critique of Leninism, Anarchist Studies, 22(1)

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