George Woodcock on 'The Anarchist Critic'

Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 23 Number 1

George Woodcock on 'The Anarchist Critic'
Allan Antliff


The Anarchist Critic first appeared in the Vancouver anarchist journal Open Road in 1982.1 Robert Graham, who was a member of the collective, recalls Woodcock subscribed to Open Road though he never joined its social circle.2 He would go on, at Graham’s prompting, to contribute an article-length review of Richard Attenborough’s film, Gandhi, to a special ‘Direct Action’ issue [George Woodcock, ‘Gandhi: The Price of Glory’, Open Road no. 15 (Spring, 1983): 21-22] and a feature on George Orwell for a themed issue, ‘Coming to terms with Direct Action’ [George Woodcock, ‘Orwell was no Cold Warrior,’ Open Road 16 (Spring 1984): 19-20].3 The fact that the latter two issues of Open Road focus on the bombing campaign, subsequent arrest, and trial of the Vancouver- based anarchist urban guerilla group ‘Direct Action’ make Woodcock’s contributions all the more interesting.4 


  1. George Woodcock, ‘The Anarchist Critic’, Open Road no.14 (Summer 1982): p17.
  2. Robert Graham to Allan Antliff: March 17, 2015.
  3. Ibid.
  4. ‘Direct Action’ member Ann Hansen has published a personal account, Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2001). I also reprint ‘Direct Action’ related communiques, interviews and debates from the anarchist press in Allan Antliff, Only a Beginning: An Anarchist Anthology (Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2004). 


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To cite this article
Allan Antliff (2015) George Woodcock on 'The Anarchist Critic', Anarchist Studies, 23(1)

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