
Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 26 Number 1



Reply by Janet Biehl, author of Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin, to a review in Anarchist Studies 25, 1 (2017) by Eleanor Finley and Federico Venturini, followed by a response to Biehl from Finley and Venturini 109
Federico Ferretti, E´lise´e Reclus: Pour une ge´ographie nouvelle 

Reviewed by Constance Bantman 

Simon Springer, The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Toward Spatial Emancipation
Reviewed by Anthony Ince 

Layla Abdel Rahim, Children’s Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness
Reviewed by Petar Jandri

Victor Serge, Men in Prison, translated and introduced by Richard

Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio

Max Baginski, What Does Syndicalism Want? Living, Not Dead Unions, Nathan Jun (ed.), Yvonne Franke and Friederike Wiedemann (trans.)
Reviewed by Oscar Addis

Seth Tobocman, Len, A Lawyer in History: A Graphic Biography of Radical Attorney Leonard Weinglass 
Reviewed by Moira Meltzer-Cohen

Podemos: In the Name of the People: Inigo Errejon in Conversation with Chantal Mouffe
Reviewed by Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha

Jim Mac Laughlin, Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition
Reviewed by Iain McKay

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To cite this article
(2018) Reviews, Anarchist Studies, 26(1)

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