Anarchist Studies Volume 27 (2019) Issue 2

ISSN 2633-8270

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About this issue’s cover: Herbert Read Commemorates Emma Goldman
Allan Antliff Free to download

Contrasting French Anarchist Memoirs of the Algerian National Liberation War
David Porter Free to download

Crying in the Wilderness? The British Anarchist Movement During the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Morris Brodie

Re-theorising the Social and its Models after Lévi-Strauss’s and Pierre Clastres’s Study of Stateless Social Assemblages
Carlos Segovia

Experiences of an Activist and ZACF Anarchist-Communist in Soweto, South Africa, 2002-2012
Phillip Nyalungu

Obstacles to Insurrection: Militarised Border Crossings Hindering the Rojava Liberation Struggle
Spencer Louis Potiker

American Anarchisms?
Carl Levy Free to download

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