Art Against the Nation: The Relationship between the Anarchist Movement and Italian Nationalism in the Artwork I funerali dell’anarchico Pinelli by Enrico Baj (1972)
Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 29 Number 1 (2021)
Art Against the Nation: The Relationship between the Anarchist Movement and Italian Nationalism in the Artwork I funerali dell’anarchico Pinelli by Enrico Baj (1972)
Federico Pozzoni pages 79‑87
This paper explores the relation between anarchism, art and the state in the twentieth-century Italian context. In particular, I investigate the painting-installation I funerali dell’anarchico Pinelli by Enrico Baj (1972) to explore the relationship between the display of the artwork and active involvement in the anarchist movement. First, I introduce the theoretical and historical background of the examination, linked to the scholarly debate on the influences between anarchism, Futurism, and fascism. Secondly, I describe the genesis, the socio-political implications and the trajectory of Baj’s artwork. Ultimately, I draw some conclusions about the relationship between art and nationalism, and the question of memory in national canons. The main argument of this paper is that the path to the institutional recognition of I funerali dell’anarchico Pinelli was long and difficult not because of the inner clashes between anarchist ideology and institutional settings, but rather because of the rejection of anarchist art in the contemporary Italian national canon.
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To cite this article
Federico Pozzoni (2021) Art Against the Nation: The Relationship between the Anarchist Movement and Italian Nationalism in the Artwork I funerali dell’anarchico Pinelli by Enrico Baj (1972), Anarchist Studies, 29(1), 79-87