New Formations Volume 1990 Issue 11

ISSN 0950-2378

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Subjects in Space


Subjects in space
Dick Hebdige

A miniature history of the Walkman
Iain Chambers

Metamorphoses at Sydney Tower
Meagan Morris

Crawley: a space mythology
Sam Appleby

The philosophy of brick
Raphael Samuel

Milton Friedman's smile: travel culture and the poetics of a city
Peter D. Osborne

Chance encounters: Flâneur and détraquée in Breton's Nadja
Victor Burgin

The city and the imaginary
Donatella Mazzoleni

Nation and identity: Bondi
Ann Game

In memoriam, Nicholas Green
Adrian Rifkin

Monuments, memorials and the framing of the individual in Third Republic France
Nicholas Green

Mix and match
Sean Nixon

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