New Formations Volume 1991 Issue 15

ISSN 0950-2378

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Just Looking


Editorial: Just looking, pages ‑
Judith Squires

Prisoners of the city: whatever could a postmodern city be?, pages ‑
Kevin Robins

Satellite dishes and the landscapes of taste, pages ‑
Charlotte Brunsdon

From Fordism to Sonyism: perverse readings of the new world order, pages ‑
McKenzie Wark

Medical diagnostic imaging: the geometry of chaos, pages ‑
Sarah Kember

Transforming features: double vision of the female reader, pages ‑
Gill Frith

Deconstruction versus postmodernism: critical theory and the 'nuclear sublime', pages ‑
Christopher Norris

Taking a good look, pages ‑
Laura Marcus Free to download

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