New Formations Volume 2004 Issue 53

ISSN 0950-2378

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Intellectual Work


Editorial: Intellectual work, pages ‑
Scott McCracken Free to download

A place to think? Some reflections on the idea of the university in the age of the 'knowledge economy', pages ‑
Phil Cohen

Prospects for knowledge work: critical engagement or expert conscription?, pages ‑
Peter Scott

Public intellectuals and the public domain, pages ‑
Andrew Gamble

Talking up skill and skilling up talk, pages ‑
Deborah Cameron

Idleness for all, pages ‑
Scott McCracken

Marx to the rescue! Queer theory and the crisis of prestige, pages ‑
Stephen Shapiro

The work of forgetting: Raymond Williams and the problem of experience, pages ‑
Keya Ganguly

Cinematic insomnia, pages ‑
Jani Scandura

The body of evil, pages ‑
Jacqueline Rose

Reviews, pages ‑
Mary Baine Campbell, Andrew Gibson, Jon Klancher, David Cunningham, Judith Surkis Free to download

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