New Formations Volume 2004 Issue 53

ISSN 0950-2378

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Intellectual Work


Editorial: Intellectual work
Scott McCracken Free to download

A place to think? Some reflections on the idea of the university in the age of the 'knowledge economy'
Phil Cohen

Prospects for knowledge work: critical engagement or expert conscription?
Peter Scott

Public intellectuals and the public domain
Andrew Gamble

Talking up skill and skilling up talk
Deborah Cameron

Idleness for all
Scott McCracken

Marx to the rescue! Queer theory and the crisis of prestige
Stephen Shapiro

The work of forgetting: Raymond Williams and the problem of experience
Keya Ganguly

Cinematic insomnia
Jani Scandura

The body of evil
Jacqueline Rose

Mary Baine Campbell, Andrew Gibson, Jon Klancher, David Cunningham, Judith Surkis Free to download

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