New Formations Volume 2004 Issue 54

ISSN 0950-2378

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Reading Benjamin's Arcades


Editorial: Reading Benjamin's Arcades
Merrick Burrow, Gary Farnell, Mick Jardine Free to download

Stars, phosphor and chemical colours: extraterrestriality in the arcades
Esther Leslie

Benjamin's redemptive politics: ruins or debris in the sacred jungle
Derek Bunyard

The aporias of theory: negotiating the dialectical image in Walter Benjamin's Arcades project
Adam W. Chalmers

The Arcades Project: a Talmud for our times
Bram Mertens

Glass before its time, premature iron: the unforseeable futures of technology in Benjamin's Arcades Project
Graham Mcphee

Iron construction: the physiognomy of the modern unconscious in Benjamin's Arcades Project
Virginia Liberatore

Dialectical fairyland, cosmic advertising and the mimetic faculty in the Arcades Project
Merrick Burrow

Arcadian children: Benjamin, Fourier and the child of The Arcades
Maeve Pearson

From 'Passage' to 'Parly 2': commodity culture in Benjamin and Baudrillard
Graeme Gilloch, Tim Dant

Textual debaucheries and the flâneur: prostitution as critique of bourgeois discourse in Walter Benjamin's the arcades project
Janet McCabe

Matt Ffytche, Tiziana Terranova, Alasdair Pettinger Free to download

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