New Formations Volume 2008 Issue 64

ISSN 0950-2378

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Earthographies: Ecocriticism and Culture


Wendy Wheeler, Hugh Dunkerley Free to download

Recent critiques of ecocriticism
Terry Gifford

The poverty of ecocritical theory: E.P. Thompson and the British perspective
John Parham

Ecocriticism, ecopoetics, and a creed outworn
Dana Phillips

Nature post-nature
Patrick Curry

Sustaining authentic human experience in community
Noel Keough

The ecological blind spot in postmodernism
Jonathan Coope

On the road: Robert Louis Stevenson's views on nature
William Gray

Stirring the geopolitical unconscious: towards a Jamesonian ecocriticism
Adrian Ivakhiv

Learning from Temple Grandin, or, animal studies, disability studies, and who comes after the subject
Cary Wolfe

Heidegger's shepherd of being and Neitzsche's satyr
Ron Broglio

Postscrpt on biosemiotics: reading beyond words - and ecocriticism
Wendy Wheeler

Michelle Henning, Paul Cobley Free to download

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