New Formations Volume 2008 Issue 66

ISSN 0950-2378

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Postmodernism, Music and Cultural Theory


Checking the post: music, postmodernism and cultural theory
David Bennett

More PoMo than thou: the status of cultural meanings in music
Susan McClary

Music and postmodernity
Jean-François Lyotard

Post-politics and riotous music
David Bennett

Strings in the earth and air
Steven Connor

The sonorous, the haptic and the intensive
Claire Colebrook, David Bennett

Sampling, cyborgs and simulation: popular music in the digital hypermodern
Nick Prior

Postnationalism, postmodernism and the German discourse(s) of weltmusik
Andrew Wright Hurley

James Brown and the 'illogic' of innovation: a Deleuzian perspective
John Scannell

Chair creaks, though no one sits there: decomposition and liquidity
David Toop

Music as model for postmodern textual analysis
Gay Breyley

Naming: music and the postmodern
Judy Lochhead

Peter Sjølyst-Jackson, Vincent Lloyd, Jon Cairns Free to download

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