New Formations Volume 2010 Issue 72

ISSN 0950-2378

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Psychoanalysis, Money and the Global Financial Crisis


'Money is laughing gas to me' (Freud): a critique of pure reason in economics and psychoanalysis
David Bennett

Analysand and analyst in the global economy, or why anyone in their right mind would pay for an analysis
Bruce Fink

The financial crisis: a psychoanalytic view of illusion, greed and reparation in masculine phantasy
Karl Figlio

The meaning of money': the ruble, the dollar and psychoanalysis
Viktor Mazin

Financial crisis, social pathologies and 'generalised perversion': questioning Zižek's diagnosis of the times
Geoff Boucher, Matthew Sharpe

What a waste of money: expenditure, the death drive and the contemporary art market
Paul Crosthwaite

Psychoanalysis, anti-semitism and the miser
Stephen Frosh

Psychoanalytic reflections on the nature of money: authority, regulation of standards, and the law of the father
Tan Waelchli

Pleasure and pain: at the crossroads of psychoanalysis and the political economy
Jean-Joseph Goux

What kind of subject is the market?
Campbell Jones

Translator's introduction to Bernard Stiegler's 'pharmacology of desire: drive-based capitalism and libidinal dis-economy'
Daniel Ross

Pharmacology of desire: drive-based capitalism and libidinal dis-economy
Bernard Stiegler

Steven D. Brown, Laura Mulvey, Ian Parker, Benjamin Noys Free to download

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