Articulating Empire: newspaper readerships in colonial West Africa

New Formations - ISSN 0950-2378
Volume 2011 Number 73

Articulating Empire: newspaper readerships in colonial West Africa
Stephanie Newell pages -


The dialogue begins with a discussion of the development of processes of globalisation in recent years, offering a critique of some of the more hyperbolic claims about the death of geography. The discussion then moves to the question of the new conditions for the production of localities, and the role of new technologies in these developments. Further issues considered concern the politics of mobility, the question of differential modes of circulation and of continuing patterns of sedentarism and in some sectors of society. The relation between migrancy as a differentiated material process, and as a metaphor is discussed and these issues are then related to contemporary political debates in the USA, in the UK, India and South Africa. As the dialogue develops, attention turns to the question of how best to theorise the activity of audiences in different cultural locations in relation to particular structures of cultural power. The discussion also covers the particular status of readers and audiences within the context of postcolonial theory and concludes with a debate about questions of race, class, empire, consumption and resistance.

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To cite this article
Stephanie Newell (2011) Articulating Empire: newspaper readerships in colonial West Africa, New Formations, 2011(73), -

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