New Formations Volume 2018 Issue 94

ISSN 0950-2378

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Rosa Luxemburg: Capitalism, Imperialism and the Postcolonial


Introduction: Transmitting Rosa Luxemburg
Filippo Menozzi Free to download

Think another time: Rosa Luxemburg and the concept of history
Filippo Menozzi

Capitalism in ‘all corners of the earth’: Luxemburg and globalisation
Helen Scott

Perspectives on Rosa Luxemburg
Evelin Wittich

Perspectives on Rosa Luxemburg 2
Benita Parry

Non-Linear pathways to social transformation: Rosa Luxemburg and the post-colonial condition
Peter Hudis Free to download

Capital accumulation and debt colonialism after Rosa Luxemburg
Stephen Morton

Neoliberal capitalism and its crises in Europe: towards a Luxemburgian interpretation
Ingo Schmidt Free to download

Rosa Luxemburg and the heart of darkness
Paul Le Blanc

Rosa Luxemburg’s The Accumulation of Capital, postcolonial theory, and the problem of present day imperialisms
Kanishka Chowdhury

Ben Highmore, Andrew Dewdney, David Wylot, Ben ware Free to download

Jack Booth Free to download

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