New Formations Volume 2018 Issue 95

ISSN 0950-2378

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Spaces and Stories


Editorial: Spaces and Stories, pages ‑
Jeremy Gilbert Free to download

Towards a metaphysics of the soul and a participatory aesthetics of life: mobilising Foucault, affect and animism for caring practices of existence, pages ‑
Sian Sullivan Free to download

Where ‘Nothing Ever Was’: Anthropomorphic Spectrality and the (Im)Possibility of the Post-Anthropocene, pages ‑
Marija Grech

Falling into Things: Peter Sloterdijk, Ontological Anthropology in the Monstrous, pages ‑
Vincent Duclos

Creative failure: Stiegler, psychoanalysis and the promise of a life worth living, pages ‑
Angie Voela, Louis Rothschild

Post-socialist narratives of being, belonging and becoming: Eastern European women migrants and transformative politics in an era of European crises, pages ‑
Anastasia Christou, Domna Michail

The Politics of a Smile, pages ‑
Fabienne Collignon Free to download

The Politics of loitering in millennial Britain: Tiqqun’s ‘Rapport à la S.A.S.C...’, pages ‑
Anne Mulhall

Reviews, pages ‑
Michelle Meagher, Heejoo Park, Robert Spencer, Rob Lapsley Free to download

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