Bruno Latour’s Climate Evangelism
New Formations - ISSN 0950-2378
Volume 2022 Number 107 & 108
Bruno Latour’s Climate Evangelism
Barbara Herrnstein Smith pages 230‑235
DOI: 10.3898/NewF:107-8.rev01.2022
Part One of this article is a translation of ‘Quelles Entre- Deux Guerres?’, published in AOC on 3 March 2022, https://aoc.media/opinion/2022/03/02/quelles-entre-deux-guerres/. Part Two is an edited version of a talk given in the ‘Nuit des Ide´es’ festival organised by the French consulate in Harvard in May 2022.
Bruno Latour, Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime, Catherine
Porter (trans.), Cambridge, Polity, 2018, 128pp, £12.99 paperback.
Bruno Latour, After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis, Julie Rose (trans.),
Cambridge, Polity, 2021, 148pp, £14.99 paperback.
To cite this article
Barbara Herrnstein Smith (2022) Bruno Latour’s Climate Evangelism, New Formations, 2022(107 & 108 ), 230-235 . https://doi.org/10.3898/NewF:107-8.rev01.2022