New Formations Volume 2024 Issue 112
ISSN 0950-2378
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Affect and Ideology
The papers collected in this issue do not adhere to a single proposition about affect and ideology, but what they share is a sidewise glance that does not take for granted the fixity of either concept. What this allows is a running together of affect and ideology, a colour bleed that washes into the space between. This collection hopes to offer a glimpse of the theoretical potential for engaging 'affect and ideology' anew. The papers all confront some of the 'historical tendencies and events' that compose this conjuncture. They attempt to understand some of what composes the present impasse in Western Europe and North America, as faith in the promissory legitimacy of neoliberalism wanes for those it perhaps once existed, multiple crises intersect and amplify one another, and new social and political movements form and deform and reform. This issue aims to perform a kind of mapping of the affective present, allowing connections and disconnections between different affects and ideologies to emerge across the papers.
Editorial, pages 4‑15
Anna J. Secor, Ben Anderson Free to download
Futility and Environmentalism: Affective Repertoires and the Imposition of Limits, pages 16‑30
Helen F. Wilson Free to download
Net Zero and Settler Futurity, pages 31‑50
Jesse Goldstein
Confidence and Conservatism: Integrating Affect and Ideology in the Critique of Reactionary Politics, pages 51‑69
Philip Conway
The Intuitive and the Counter-Intuitive: AI and the Affective Ideologies of Common Sense, pages 70‑93
Carolyn Pedwell
Love and Work: Affect and Ideology Beyond ‘The Great Resignation’, pages 84‑112
Anna J. Secor, Derek Ruez, Daniel Cockayne Free to download
Late-Liberalism and Righteousness: Affective Reflexes and Experiments in Retraining, pages 113‑130
Helen Graham
Revolution and Disalienation, pages 131‑146
Kai Bosworth
Tension and Syndicalism: Atmospheres of the Strike, pages 147‑163
Illan rua Wall
Talking to Tomorrow: Gillian Rose’s Misrecognitions, pages 164‑167
Graham MacPhee Free to download
The Point Is to Change It, pages 168‑171
Charlotte Fraser Free to download
Black Thought’s Mise en Abyme, pages 172‑174
Jean-Thomas Tremblay Free to download