Trade unionism after the crash: Interview with Frances OGrady

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 21 Number 2-3 (2013)

Trade unionism after the crash: Interview with Frances OGrady
Frances O'Grady, Sarah Hutchinson, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite pages -


Frances O’Grady interviewed by Sarah Hutchinson and Florence Sutcliffe Braithwaite

Frances O’Grady became General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress in January 2013 – the first woman ever to hold the post. Before that, she had been Deputy General Secretary, head of the TUC’s organisation department, and TUC Campaigns Officer, as well as working for the Transport and General Workers Union, and in a variety of jobs, from shop work to the voluntary sector. In April 2013 she delivered the Attlee Memorial Lecture at University College, Oxford (O’Grady, 2013). In this interview, she talks about the agenda she set out in her Attlee lecture; the role of trade unionism in Britain today; the new feminism; and the prospects for democratic socialism.

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To cite this article
Frances O'Grady, Sarah Hutchinson, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (2013) Trade unionism after the crash: Interview with Frances OGrady, Renewal, 21(2-3 ), -

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