Labours new identity politics

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 23 Number 1-2 (2015)

Labours new identity politics
Alan Finlayson


One Nation: Labour’s Political Renewal
Jon Cruddas and Jonathan Rutherford

Our Labour, Our Communities
Edited by Lisa Nandy

Laying the Foundations for a Labour Century
Edited by John Woodcock and Liz Kendall

Political parties are, it goes without saying, formed out of agreement between members. But to be really successful the extent and intensity of that agreement has to be just right. Too much and a party will have limited appeal; it will be cult-like, brittle and prone to splitting. Too little and a party will attract self-promoting people and pet causes, making things fractious and difficult to manage. 


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To cite this article
Alan Finlayson (2015) Labours new identity politics, Renewal, 23(1-2 )

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