Socialism through the lens of Alasdair MacIntyre

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 23 Number 4 (2015)

Socialism through the lens of Alasdair MacIntyre
Chloe McLellan pages -


British socialism can, of course, be understood in a myriad of ways. One standard debate has been to contrast an emphasis on nationalisation and economic issues (one represented by the party’s 1918 Clause IV commitment) with a belief in equality. For some commentators, equality is the essence of socialism: Labour’s chief goal is to remove unjustifiable large inequalities in society; as such the party’s vision is dominated by one of an egalitarian society and socialist policies are justified by reference to a norm of fairness (Shaw, 2007, 21). In the decades since 1945, much less attention has been given within Labour to moral considerations.

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To cite this article
Chloe McLellan (2015) Socialism through the lens of Alasdair MacIntyre, Renewal, 23(4), -

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