Renewal Volume 24 (2016) Issue 3

ISSN 0968-5211

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The present crisis and the questions we must ask
Alan Finlayson Free to download

What is economic trust in politics?
Jonathon Ashworth, Josh Simons Free to download

Morality and left-wing politics: a case study of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party
Bill Blackwater

Movement politics, the electoral machine, and the ‘masses’: lessons from the early Labour Party
Jon Lawrence

A new politics? The challenges of multi-speed party membership
Jessica Garland Free to download

Review of The Blair Supremacy: A study in the politics of Labour’s party management, by Lewis Minkin
Eric Shaw Free to download

Speaking to England
Tom Barker

Silencing the critics: charities, lobbyists, and the government’s quiet war on dissent
Phil Parvin Free to download

Universal Credit, Ideology and the Politics of Poverty
George Morris

Feminist Resistance
Elizabeth Evans

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