Silencing the critics: charities, lobbyists, and the government’s quiet war on dissent

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 24 Number 3 (2016)

Silencing the critics: charities, lobbyists, and the government’s quiet war on dissent
Phil Parvin


For six years the Conservatives have been waging a covert war against institutions and organisations capable of holding the government to account, masked by rhetoric lauding their efforts to restrain lobbyists. In the process, they are undermining the very basis for social democratic politics. Charities, as well as academics and trade unions, need to be able to undertake lobbying and campaigning activities, and wealthy organisations must not be permitted to dominate the process of political decision-making.

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To cite this article
Phil Parvin (2016) Silencing the critics: charities, lobbyists, and the government’s quiet war on dissent, Renewal, 24(3)

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