Review of Militant by Michael Crick – lessons for Labour today?
Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 24 Number 4 (2016)
Review of Militant by Michael Crick – lessons for Labour today?
James Coldwell pages -
In August 2015, days before Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader, journalist Michael Crick argued that claims of large-scale hard-left entrism into the Labour Party were wide of the mark.1 Yet a few months later, Crick’s 1984 study of Militant, the clandestine Trotskyite organisation that successfully infiltrated the Labour Party in the 1980s, was updated and back on sale in British bookshops, emblazoned with a one-line review by Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson: ‘A must-read for Labour activists’. What is behind Watson’s avid endorsement?
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James Coldwell (2016) Review of Militant by Michael Crick – lessons for Labour today?, Renewal, 24(4), -