Editorial: Debating the Foundational Economy

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 27 Number 2 (2019)

Editorial: Debating the Foundational Economy
Kevin Morgan, John Tomaney, Julia Heslop


The idea of the Foundational Economy has the potential to radically disrupt dysfunctional old assumptions about economic development strategy. It is already being used to do so in places like Barcelona and Swansea, where it works with trends to remunicipalise public services, build local wealth through anchor institutions, and promote mutualism. The Foundational Economy offers a new way of conceptualising the very purpose of economic development, and how it can improve the lives of the many, not just the few.

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To cite this article
Kevin Morgan, John Tomaney, Julia Heslop (2019) Editorial: Debating the Foundational Economy, Renewal, 27(2)

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