Renewal Volume 27 (2019) Issue 4

ISSN 0968-5211

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Editorial: If the tide goes out
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, James Stafford Free to download

The international institutional turn: the missing ingredient in Labour’s new political economy
David Adler Free to download

Why Labour must be the party of migration justice
Nathan Akehurst Free to download

Nationalism, the mob and left dreams
Malcolm James, Sivamohan Valluvan

Interview: Deliberative democracy and the devolution of power in Camden
Georgia Gould, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite Free to download

The unexpected return of alienation: job dissatisfaction, ‘burnout’ and work estrangement in the NHS
Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe

Inclusive Ownership Funds: a transatlantic agenda for transformative change
Mathew Lawrence Free to download

Democratic employee ownership and challenging the ideology of ‘shareholder value’
Lenore Palladino

Pitfalls and promises for workplace democracy
Michael A. McCarthy

Inclusive Ownership Funds: a trade union perspective
Janet Williamson

Public ownership and the socialisation of production in the German Revolution of 1918-19
Nicholas Vrousalis

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