New labourism in Australia: Between compromise and reform
Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 31 Number 4 (2023)
New labourism in Australia: Between compromise and reform
Emily Foley, Rob Manwaring pages 83‑91
After a decade in opposition, the ALP has regained power in Australia, under the leadership of Anthony Albanese in 2022. The road to power has proved hard for the ALP, and the price of victory comes at a high cost. Albanese’s government is caught in a familiar dilemma for the centre-left – how to navigate the course between compromise and achieving lasting reforms. The ALP is likely to achieve a number of significant achievements, including an end of the longstanding climate wars in Australia. Yet, the ALP has had to accept much of the structural inequalities and political agenda entrenched by the centre-right coalition.
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To cite this article
Emily Foley, Rob Manwaring (2023) New labourism in Australia: Between compromise and reform, Renewal, 31(4), 83-91