Labour and the Lib Dems: co-operation and conflict in Consborough

Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 32 Number 1 (2024)

Labour and the Lib Dems: co-operation and conflict in Consborough
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite pages 32‑43


In recent years, Labour HQ has come down heavily on any whiff of cooperation between Labour activists or local politicians and other parties, or any support for a progressive alliance. Debate about cooperation often takes place at a high level of abstraction: would it be good or bad for our politics in a theoretical sense if anti-Tory parties worked together at the top level? In this article we examine what actually happens when two local parties undertake, under the pressure of circumstances, to cooperate in modest ways. 

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To cite this article
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (2024) Labour and the Lib Dems: co-operation and conflict in Consborough, Renewal, 32(1), 32-43

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