The potential of and limits to ‘competitive decarbonisation’: the battery sector and Labour’s green industrial strategy
Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 32 Number 4 (2024)
The potential of and limits to ‘competitive decarbonisation’: the battery sector and Labour’s green industrial strategy
Sean McDaniel pages 72‑81
Labour’s green industrial strategy embraces the global shift towards ‘competitive decarbonisation’. Exploring this through the lens of the Lithium-ion battery sector, we can see how without appropriate attention and policy ambition, Labour’s agenda risks locking in familiar patterns of ecological damage and wealth and income inequality into a low carbon future.
To cite this article
Sean McDaniel (2024) The potential of and limits to ‘competitive decarbonisation’: the battery sector and Labour’s green industrial strategy, Renewal, 32(4), 72-81