
Socialist History - ISSN 0969-4331
Volume 2018 Number 53



Jakub S. Beneš, Workers and Nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890-1918, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016
Lewis Young 

Mark Bulik, The Sons of Molly Maguire: The Irish Roots of America’s First Labor War, Fordham University Press, New York 2015
Liam Ó Discín 

Fedor Il’ich Dan, Two Years of Wandering: A Menshivik Leader in Lenin’s Russia, translated, edited and introduced by Francis King, Lawrence and Wishart, London 2016
Alistair Dickins

Nicholas Deakin (ed.), Radiant Illusion? Middle-class Recruits to Communism in the Thirties, Eden Valley Editions, Edenbridge 2015
Willie Thompson 

Bob Hepple, Young Man with a Red Tie: A Memoir of Mandela and the Failed Revolution, 1960-1963, Jacana, Johannesburg 2013
Steve Cushion London 

Christian Krell (ed.), Thinkers of Social Democracy. 49 Portraits, trans­lated by James Patterson, Dietz, Bonn 2016
Jamie Melrose

Chris Miller, The Struggle to Save the Soviet Economy: Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of the USSR, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill NC 2016
Alec Burt 

Dave Rich, The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism, Biteback Publishing, London 2016
Paul Stott 

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(2018) Reviews, Socialist History, 2018(53)

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