Socialist History - ISSN 0969-4331
Volume 2018 Number 54
Samuel Foster
In the wake of Karl Marx’s bicentenary, and the recent centennial commemorations of both the Great War and Russian Revolutions, Issue 54 of Socialist History serves as a retrospective on Marxism’s impact, legacy and possible future. This includes two articles, originally presented as papers at Socialist History’s ‘Echoes of Revolution’ conference in Norwich in February 2018; a set of observations on Marx and Marxism for the present day, and a symposium on the history of Trotskyism. What perhaps ties each of these contributions is the notion of Marxist thought and practice as lived experience and its, often ambiguous, relationship to mass mobilisation and popular Left-wing ideals.
To cite this article
Samuel Foster (2018) Editorial, Socialist History, 2018(54)