Book to be remembered: The Achievement of Gramsci’s Selections from Prison Notebooks

Socialist History - ISSN 0969-4331
Volume 2021 Number 60

Book to be remembered: The Achievement of Gramsci’s Selections from Prison Notebooks
Andrew Pearmain pages 68‑91


Antonio Gramsci’s Selections from Prison Notebooks, with its curiously unpropitious title, was first published by Lawrence and Wishart in 1971, edited and translated by Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith. Gramsci had written thirty three quaderni or notebooks in prison between 1929 and 1935, the middle period of what his Italian biographer Giuseppe Fiori calls his ‘long prison Calvary’, which began with his arrest and conviction for political offences in 1926-1927 and ended with his death shortly after formal release in 1937.1There were 2848 tightly packed handwritten pages in all, including a number of notes and short essays rewritten or reordered by Gramsci himself. His reflections were rarely topical, and mostly concerned matters of philosophy, culture and history.

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To cite this article
Andrew Pearmain (2021) Book to be remembered: The Achievement of Gramsci’s Selections from Prison Notebooks, Socialist History, 2021(60), 68-91

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