Review article: We have not finished reading Lukács
Socialist History - ISSN 0969-4331
Volume 2023 Number 64
Review article: We have not finished reading Lukács
Mike Makin-Waite pages 72‑86
This review article discusses two recent books about Georg Lukács (1885- 1971), offering observations on his best-known publication – History and Class Consciousness, published one hundred years ago – and position-ing this work in the arc of his project as a whole. Highlighting some of Lukács’s theories and arguments, the review also notes the contexts and considerations which shaped Lukács’s thought. The article aims to show how Lukács’s intellectual activities were related to his political commit-ment, both when serving as a Hungarian government minister (in 1919 and again, even more briefly, in 1956) and during the periods in which he ‘retreated’ to unofficial research, generating books which were often at odds with the prevailing orthodoxies of ‘dialectical materialism’.
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To cite this article
Mike Makin-Waite (2023) Review article: We have not finished reading Lukács, Socialist History, 2023(64), 72-86